Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Morning of Jan.26th

On the morning of Jan.26th while visiting in USA and two days before my scheduled flight back to Israel, I was arrested by "Homeland Security" agents. Very early in the morning they knocked the hotel room door, identified as "police", ordered me to stand outside the room for a search, barefoot, wearing only pants and light T-shirt. Then they searched the room for a few minutes, while I'm still standing outside, barefoot, cold & in shock. No warrant has been shown to me.

After searching the room, they ordered me back in and sat me for a "talk". They told me they "know everything" and that I must "be honest". That phrase was repeated many times. They displayed me a waive of rights document, and told me that if I sign it and answer their questions then they will help me. Otherwise, they said, if I choose to keep my rights, they will take me to prison where I'll be locked for a long time.

end part 1

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