Thursday, February 26, 2015

I'm totally out here

I'm trying to man-up and take the suffering as-is thats why I am not calling. Every time I call it ends up with me choking up. At least with emails I don't need to talk, only the screen blurs away for a few minutes.
I'm having the most irregular dreams here, and a really nasty feeling when I wake up and find myself here. It's weird, surreal and intimidating.
That's the main course after all the paranoid and awful thoughts I'm having when at night when locked in the cell. I don't have the English to describe even part of it.
 I'm totally out here; unfocused, can't arrange my thoughts, like a piece of dysfunctional KOF.
I'm consider asking psych evaluation.

I'm so out-of-focus here, it's really hard to catch up on things, I go back on emails and find things you wrote which slipped off my conciseness.
Thank you again for taking care of my home.

Do you think there's a chance in finding some kind of Jewish community help in funds or legal representation for me? I don't have an idea where to start from, maybe through HABAD or jewishprisoner dot com. Or maybe in Brooklyn or through Rabbi Traxler. I don't have any other idea. 

Soon I'll need more funds in my KANTINA account. Through the lawyer it will take more time than by "Moneygram" transfer.
Another reason to check about the delivery of my backpack and baggage.

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