Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Federal Detention Houston

I was interrupted earlier when trying to write this. Anyway, I really hope someone will address that open letter and help even a bit.
The federal system here can eat me alive.

Part 3

When done at "homeland Security", I was delivered to Federal Detention Houston. Processing there included a complete body X-ray scan. I had no option to refuse that high amount of X-ray radiation.
Through the whole process I've been objectified as if I were a non-living package. All my prescribed medicine taken to "extermination". I had zero ask or say about any of that. At that point I truly believed I'm going to get a thyroid shock and will die there.

Being diagnosed as ADD + major depression since 2003, in addition to Grave's disease since 1995, I have suffered an extreme emotional stress and physical anxiety that made me feel as if I'm dead, watching myself outside my body.

The next morning I was brought in front of a judge. A lady who introduced herself as from Federal Public Defense told me what to answer in response to the judge questions, while we're standing in front of him. Being weak and frightened, I cannot remember a thing of what been said there.

Later I was taken to processing by US Marshals. Just by chance I managed to explain my religious needs and to hold my transfer to another facility which won't support my Jewish religion.
50$ were taken out of my money and shown to me as if it will be deposited to my inmate commissary account. Those 50$ never arrived in my commissary account.

For the next three weeks I had to relay on other inmates "favors" which I could not and should not refuse. As for my personal hygiene, I received 10ml of soap (or less) for each day. I couldn't wash my hair, clip my nails or clean my ears. I still have a month long nails growing.

On Jan.29th I was taken to court again. The Public Defender attorney appointed to my case met me for a 10 minutes talk. Then, in front of the judge, I answered as directed by her. After 10 hours in legs and hand-to-waist cuffs, I've been delivered back to detention center.
On re-processing, I was forced to "donate" my clothes and shoes to "charity". I had no other option.

End of part 3

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