Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It is now 4 weeks

It is now 4 weeks since my arrest; I had one 10 minutes meeting and two phone calls with my appointed attorney. Also one 20 minutes meet with an investigator of that office. I don't know anything about what's going to happen.

I'm getting about half of the medical care I need. The Israel embassy and Foreign Affairs Ministry, completely ignoring me, and refuse to help my friends help me.

My life in Israel is falling apart; I'm being punished before trialed. I'm getting less than minimal legal advice.

Calling friends people who can help me is limited in minutes and costs more than 6 SHEKEL per minute. It also limited by phone usage hours, call duration and time differences.

I'm helpless, threatened by the USA Federal "justice" system. They can and they do to me what ever they decide, I have no say about my life, nothing to hold on to. I'm lost.

I beg whoever reads this, please help me before it's too late. I'm 42 years old, without any criminal record. I will share all my case details with anyone who can help.

Please help me get back Home.

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