Monday, March 23, 2015

This Koffeeville is a diamond

So one of the blacks had an issue with another guy or two; something about watching the TV. So a day or two after that, four or five co's are "watching" all the inmates during launch time, sending "severe" looks, walking around slowly, occasionally calling "no talking". One of them, gulemino (?) is the "gang activity" "investigator". That is the guy who humiliated me, interrogating me about my sex life, orientation and experience. He's really sweet, walking around like he owns everyone. After launch, they took a few guys for questioning about what supposedly happened, and about the fight (which never happened). To make a long story short, this facility, this institution, this place, is so pathetic, miserable, dark hole on earth; it is a disgrace to homo-sapience. Disgrace to culture. I'm ashamed to be here, not because I've done anything wrong, but because I'm locked up by corrupt, racist, unjustified low-lives and their senders. I will have to scrub my body in Lysol when I get back home. 

Reporting from the "country of the brave and free", your humble, locked-up Jew-boy.
Please call usa on the phone, tell them to leave me the f*** alone

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