Sunday, March 15, 2015

FREE time

Suddenly it struck me: I have more free time in prison than anywhere else; in fact, all my time is FREE, an awkward concept cause I'm actually locked with limited communication to the other world. My worlds concludes to a 10sq/m cell, inside a 400 sq/m hall, and yet, I have nothing to do, no chores, no errands, no noting, senior!
Yes, I know, that's because my dear, precious, beloved friend turned their life over for me, dealing all my stuff and some. I'm sorry about that, really am. I wish it never happened. I wish your standing by me could always remain theoretically speaking.
Yet, that weird concept still remains; I'm free of anything and everything.
That perception actually came to my mind when I suddenly noticed I'm doing everything I can to make ordinary tasks, like, taking a shower, time consuming. Only here I came to spend 90 minutes, undressing, going to shower, and dressing back. Yep, 90 minutes. With sooo much free time and NOTING to do, even fixing a burrito gets to half an hour.
What reminds me that I now find the black HEV'RE to be the cool ones. They kind of like the MIZRAHIM in Israel. Many of them got banged up by the system; they suffer of pure racism; they are more open and warm and welcoming than gringos (gringo is how Mexicans nickname white americans, and no, it's not a complement).
So I'm hanging out (out? seriously?), with them. It gets surreal to have late diner sitting with a bunch of them; one Jerusalem white boy (YELED TOV YERUSHLAYIM), with a bunch of those guys, all in for robbery, assault charges, drugs, etc.
All that said, it's not like they are ALL that nice; many of them are indeed nice. Others... I'm keeping my (long) distance.

Please write me something nice, about anything. I miss you all and I really need your words. D believes her "about nothing" emails are boring, but they are not, every email makes me feel more alive in Koffeeville.

Missing you all

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