Monday, March 23, 2015

I try to remind myself it's all brain chemistry

Every day I spend here makes me scared about loosing my hair due to tension and stress; then no one would want to have kids for me, right? ;-)

My mood changes rapidly, bounces from one scale end to another. Sometimes I feel really strong and that I can fight; other times I get really down and upset. I try to remind myself it's all brain chemistry, and in my head. Yet, it is hard.
I still can't call collect, I have no way of finding out if it's a system error and will reverse, or a new restriction. I checked other country's numbers, all blocked.

I really hope for a change, soon. Already two months of my life for nothing. For an ugly, racist, corrupt federal government, of a disgusting country. It's not anger, only the truth. I failed to find ONE person here that has something nice to say about this fckd up country. Everyone here hates this place, the government, and the feds. You can be sure some of them is innocent.

Please send my regards to anyone that cares about me, and is standing by my side. Please ask nom to write me something, anything.

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