Sunday, March 1, 2015


I'll always remember how N and you helped me at this time. It's about 30 meters and 16 stairs to my cell; I got there just in time to collapse on the "bed" after reading about him taking my cat's pics for me.
This place totally crippled me, I can't stand for myself, I can't protest, I have no freedom of speech (not to mention freedom at all), all that, w/o a trial. Where is ZEDEK? Oh, right, sometimes ZEDEK just a name of a star. When will it all end?

I didn't get the dental fixture for my Bruxism (how does it spells correctly?). I didn't even get a dental check yet, although asked for it three times and notified I suffer of night time teeth grinding. Actually I also asked the lawyer, so it comes to four times.
i have no dental floss either; since the KANTINA offer one kind only (the cheapest for the highest price), and they're currently out-of-stock (no one here use floss, how can they run out-of-stock?), then I have none, meaning, I might get gums inflammation. Yes, I asked for dental floss too. Same outcome as above.
The ugly KOFIYA is first class compare to Thailand; tell the consul I agree and wish him to find himself in my position one day. That could happen since the USA is madly in-love with it's prisons. I have more to write about it, if the blog is relevant, let me know.

To finish with a nicer note, let N know I'm thankful, appreciate and thinking of his efforts almost all day long and at night. I have two thinking modes here: past and future, so you're on my mind all the time. The present must not come to mind.

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