Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I need a miracle

I need a miracle, not a lawyer. As I said, even if I could afford one, I can not contact one. I do not know who to contact. I do not know how to choose. I can not physically contact any person other than you and the others.
I had a one, 10 minutes meeting with a lawyer. I don't know anything about my case, about my options, about how to help myself, who to talk or what to do.
Even if I had the 20K-50K for a lawyer, that's what they *start* at over here, I cannot, de-facto, technically, practically "get" a lawyer. I have no access to the outside world. Emails I sent to you, phone calls are restricted to specific pre-set phone numbers, at limited times, limited minutes, limited budget, limited phone access hours.
That's also why I can only rely on you, my friends. Without your help, there is nothing I can do.

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