Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Something funny-sad dnt wrote, "all your emails read by us". At first I went sad; it took me a few minutes to laugh, cause it suddenly strike me: you, there, in the free world, have no idea about emailing and never know if the chazir actually let them go through... all you need is hit "send", and it's there, right? So... in Koffeeville, when I hit "send", a few fantastic things happen. First, my email gets the co's pc. He reads it. He decides if to delete some or all of it. Then, whenever he decides, he sends it to censorship. They read it, etc. Then, after who-knows-how-many read it, considering they didn't delete it, only then, it gets to you.
Bottom line my dear free friends that live in a free, democratic country with freedom of speech: I have no way of telling if my email actually got to you. No way. Unless you confirm "ok". That's also why I title the subject, so I can know if a specific gone through or not.
If it's not too much of trouble, please confirm receipt. Sometimes I write long emails, the ones which I'm telling you about this place take some effort and even cost money.

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