Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Food parties

So I'm making jokes here with people that could make you move to the other side of the street. They make food parties, with burritos and cakes and drinks. I'm invited of course. Hey, I'm one of the popular kids here. my Spanish is getting better, I catch more new words every day; actually I hear more Spanish then English here. The English is NOT easy to get; when they talk fast... all I can get is F*** or SH** every other sentence. The Gangs here are like zofim for grown-ups. Everything is about respect. Inmates will actually fight and go to the SHU, just for *respect*. I can tell you it's like in the movies, a hundred times won't be enough to describe how much of a movie that is. This place IS another planet. The KOFIYA planet.
Don't get it wrong, I'm dying to get out of here, I hate waking up and I hate the sound of the door bolted. Yet, it's more than amazing how people just go on here, for months and YEARS, they keep hanging on, they have social life, they watch TV, eat together, laugh together, it's a whole small-locked-up world. Some people here told me that when I first arrived I looked lost. I can even remember two guards asking me if I'm "ok". I looked soooo bad, even they cared. Now, I've been told, I look like it's my natural habitat. Well, it's not, but in here, it's all about respect and phasade. I'm actually hanging with the hardcore, the "tough" boys, and I'm helping others, that helped me when I arrived. If you could only take a minute to think about it, it's crazy. Today I wrote a "request to staff" for another inmate who only speak Spanish; yes, your Jerusalem friend is well respected here, and respect others, naturally. It's time to get back in our cells, "home" they call them here. My cell partner my "celli", speaks only Spanish and a few words in English. So when he only talks Spanish to me, I answer in Hebrew.
Another night, another day in KOFFEEVILLE, monkey-town, the KOFIYA. BTW, I tell others here my theory, how the government tries to make all of us more animal like and less humans. They find it funny, and actually agree with me.
Just help me get back home, I promise you'll hear so many jokes and stories, it may come to the point you all be happy I've been here. Not.

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