Saturday, March 14, 2015

Nothing but 2 choices

they told me it's hard to believe it's my 1st time in prison. That I've adapted so fast and naturally, it's like I've been locked up before. One told me, "I saw you sitting in one cell with a guy known to murder at least two people, fooling around, laughing with him, eating together, no way you're new to this". What can I say? Every time the subject came up, I told them, that I quickly realized I have : slit my wrists or bear my burden. The 1st is not really an option, as I owe so much to those who stand by me at this time, I just cannot let them down (that's one reason, there are more, naturally).
So I'm stuck with going through this.
The day before yesterday brought here two new black guys. Armed robbery and stuff. Both around 30 years old. One got sentenced 30 years. The other... 160 years. No parole. Think he will walk out some day?
Final note for now: google NADER. It's a guy in the other unit, I got friendly with, a really nice person, for real. He's a pilot from Panama, I believe you'll find his story interesting. I have more to come...

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