Sunday, March 1, 2015


The most awful time is waking up in here; like going from numb to a stinking reality, so bad it makes me close my eyes and just want to feel nothing. But it doesn't help, I look at the white break walls and the gray depressing hall again and again, trying to  and I'm can't go out and can't breath air and I'm locked like a sub-human that makes a threat and is danger to society. It's unreal. It's not the way to treat people who didn't hurt others. And there is nothing I can do; unless I had friends outside, I would just be here, as long as the infamous federal "justice" system like. And they *really* don't care; they actually make money, for every day, for every inmate. They build more prisons and hire more workers, more contractors, they make their best to keep, to lockup people, deny them freedom and rights, for making money. Welcome to the USA and F*** you.

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