Saturday, April 4, 2015


Yesterday food was of good quality.
 I was sitting with all other kofim of my floor, no exception regarding that, no celebrations or nothing, just good quality food, it seems they really put efforts in, trying to provide yehudim with better food. There was beef, kind of a cooked small steak, tasty gefilte-fish, much better than it looks, sweet carrots, and other stuff. Also got plenty of matza, quality matza shmura, small pesach cakes and grape-juice in 200ml carton boxes.

It really comforts me to learn that I'm remembered that much. Being here is mentally hard.
If you get a chance, please thank Rabbi Traxler in my name and tell him I really appreciate everything they do for Jewish prisoners stuck in this country, and that he and all the others involved are doing great job.

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