Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Literally gray reality

Sitting here, looking around, thinking about my friendmily (that is all of you), for a second I wish you could meet people from here... that could be so funny... I can only imagine how amazed you could get by realizing these "national geographic" place do, actually, exist.

Already told N before, that some of this place characters, have they came walking up your direction, on the street... not at night, just during plain daylight, but no-one around... you would go the other direction or other side, LOL, go? you would RUN.

It's a real Koffeville here, kind of Israeli tironut mixed with soft to hardcore criminals and a bunch (like 80%) of illegal Latin (South America) aliens, waiting deportation.
Unlike I hoped or planned, I'm already in my third month here, have seen people come and leave, feeling like it's my reality, my life. It's so hard to keep in mind that the end for this si'yut will eventually come; so hard to wake up in the morning to the same, literally gray reality.

Being locked in a prison is nothing more than existing. There is no point in living like that for years; I fail to understand how people make it through years of imprisonment. Most probably they hope, or truly believe, or they are just too tipshim to understand how pathetic this existence is.

Some of the Latinos here, came from a living so poor, that warm water, three meals a day (of ochel mag'yil), and no bills to pay, actually makes them happy. Ani nishba, I saw many here smiling and laughing, actually happy, without alcohol or drugs.

I'll now go get ready to lights out time, hoping to get here tomorrows morning and see like 5 or more emails from all of you...

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