Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Remember Chucky?

I told you about that crazy doll of the horror movies, actually living here. If you recall, he actually looks like the doll named after him, same look, same eyes... the same. He's got Chucky tattoo on his leg, and one of his girlfriends tattooed his portrait on her thigh... BTW, she works as a stripper. Anyways, about a week ago he went to court for his sentence. He's affiliated with one of the most notorious knufiyut exist: MS-13(Mara Salvatrucha (commonly abbreviated as MS-13) is a transnational criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America.Members of MS distinguish themselves by tattoos covering the body and also often the face, as well as the use of their own sign language. They are notorious for their use of violence and a subcultural moral code that predominantly consists of merciless revenge and cruel retributions.) .
In here for murder (what else, he has that name to keep), he's one of the most sympathetic guys around, for real. He also find lots of interest in Jerusalem, he's a great torah believer, and I already invited him to visit. Don't worry, it won't happen anytime soon... as I was saying he went to court for sentencing... the guy is ben 23. gzar-din: 20 shana. He is going to appeal, but even then, it will take years before you can meet the real, living, breathing Chucky.

What's the point then? Oh, there is one: when the judge (BTW, it's also my judge, The Honored District Judge Ms. Melinda Harmon), read his gzar-din, she already been furious cause the guy just before Chucky, answered back to her and wouldn't agree to leave the stand. The Marshals could barely remove him from court. So, Chucky takes the stand in front of an angry judge, believing nothing he will say will matter (probably true)... the judge asks him if he's got anything to say before gzar-dino, and he, in a loud, confident voice answers back:
Everybody in the court room went quiet...

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