Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bingo for "Memorial Day"

"Memorial Day" here; kind of like in our country, but with lots of commercials and shopping. They like to celebrate their memorial, we rather grief.
So imagine how amazed I've been, sitting today's early morning in the main hall, at the pc, when suddenly, a guard comes in pushing one of those steel-prison-carts, carrying a ***bingo*** setup, cards, balls ("golden"), raffle machine, the whole setup!

I stared at him like he's a man from the moon, and he looked at me and said: "bingo"

OK, so I got up and got two bingo cards, together with like, at least, half of this block habitants. Yes, that's how exciting it was!
For the next 10 minutes, he kept reading the numbers, way too quickly, so my celli helped my sleep-overwhelmed eyes to check the cards.

Bottom line: no one won a damn thing; the whole thing started and ended in like 10-15 minutes, and was meragesh as sheleg de'eshta'kad. I went back to sleep till they woke up for a sfira. Must love ha'makom haze, it's a real diamond.

It's 12:30 pm now, I have another whole day to waste. For those of you who still wonder why not "reading something" or "studying", I'll just say, come, come over with your books and all your stuff; sit here with me for 3 hours, then we'll see what you have to say ;-)))
If you spend 3 hours in the Kofiya and still want to (or actually can) read, I'll then be convinced you're much better, & sophisticated then I am; by far. ("by far" rights registered to Vered, I'll pay tamlugim).

That's all for today's report, my beloved free humans; I still owe you the tale about "Alabama", another unique habitant.


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