Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"cute" is a big no-no..

It's hard to describe or explain how wrong this place is; maybe just try to imagine a cube made of steel and stone, filled with people ranging from opportunists at best, to pure evil psychopaths on the worst case.
Try to imagine a place where everything is abnormal; everything crooked or wrong, there is nothing, absolutely nothing good here. I can count less than 5 people who might be considered as "fair", and maybe one who is trustworthy. That count is of 120, most of them come and go every day, faces changing faster than one can realize.
Now take that info, try to remember this is one of the easiest units in this relatively easy detention facility, it's nothing like a real jail, most definitely not like a high-risk facility.
It's a level 3 on the scale of jehenom, going 1 to 10, where 1 is a Low-risk facility "a camp", and 10 is the high-risk .
Know that there is no way to keep your sanity; no way to stay calm, no option to be nice.
A point to end with:
Yesterday I said  "cute" about something. 3 people other than me almost chocked. After regaining their facade, they patiently explained that using that term is a big no-no.

Could you see and understand I am in in a another existence?

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