Thursday, September 17, 2015


I'm really, really, worriedafraid and seriously desperate. I don't know what or if you or anyone can do anything. There is nothing I can do, nobody I can contact, I don't know what to ask you, other then a "do something" in a childish manner. I must go now cause ears are flowing and that's a big no no in this place

I'm really dead-alive

Nothing new here, only counting the days. My life is on pause. I'm really dead-alive, it feels like being nothing, like there is no reason to exist. A few future thoughts keep me going, trying to never think about my past and present.

Probation service wants my blood

ani dey meyuash. the gzardin is in 10 days. the PSI recommends prison time of 51 to 72 months. it relates to me as if I'm the leader-criminal that smuggled hundreds of parts. it ignores many details that stand in my favor. it ignores  my cooperation.
it is like the probation service wants to ruin my life or make me kill myself.

No one contacted me. why do you still believe someone care? almost 8 months gone and I can't even get full medical care.

where is the lawyer that suppose to meet me? she talked to you 3 weeks ago, I'm going to gzardin in 8 days, with no legal-help, with probation service that wants my blood. do I miss anything?

New years

great holiday, I barely get food, two hot meals since friday, today lunch was 40 grams of peanut butter two slices of bread, 20 grams of jelly and 50 grams of taputsips.

Real trouble

on 10.9 I received the PSI from probation. It is totally different of what it was supposed to be. It sets my points at 25 instead of 12 as agreed.

I really need your help,this is a really, really, really serious matter.
Please try to do something, anything, this is real trouble, I'm serious.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

My life is on pause

Wish I could be there and advise you how to get along with this occupation; as much as I dislike dealing with people, I do know how to maneuver between the drops. My only friend here claim that I "sugar coat" everything.
Nothing new here, only counting the days.My life is on pause. I'm really dead-alive, it feels like being nothing, like there is no reason to exist. A few future thoughts keep me going, trying to never think about my past and present.

Gathering my life back

Most probably 2016 will be dedicated to gather my life back, collecting and mending all the shreds, bits and pieces. I'm not on vacation here, I'm going under extreme pressures, and it will take me a while to recover. I can't believe it will be a 100% recovery. After being through some stuff, I believe it changed me forever. I've been telling you how hard it is to me for 7 months now; you can imagine some wounds will leave scars, I just can't guess how and what.